Talk to Sweet

Talk to Sweet
who has stories to tell

Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Best Political Blog Sites, per FORBES

The Best Politics Blogs
Arik Hesseldahl, 02.12.04, 12:00 PM ET .blkbox

· Best Politics Blogs
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NEW YORK - Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said, "A week is a long time in politics."

Indeed, as we've seen with the Democrats' current primary process in the U.S., much can change in a week or a month. A week is also a long time for bloggers--those hearty Internet pundits who constantly update Web-based diaries on every topic under the sun. It is an election year, after all, and many political junkies have put into blogs their passion for debate and discussion on every subtle feint and thrust of the rhetorical swordplay between candidates. If it sometimes seems there are more political opinions than voters, bloggers are only making it more so. And while most of it is dross barely worthy of attention, some bloggers are getting noticed. We've picked five that we think are the best.

Criminal Background Checks

Did you know that if you walk on or near a railroad track, your tresspassing, and its a Federal Offense and does not go off of your record. It will follow you where ever you apply for a job and criminal checks are apart of the employment process. You are cut right there, and a nice a letter telling you that you don't meet their criteria.

The same goes for first time offfenders who have had to deal with the one government department that reports to no one but can bully anyone, take all their records, and cause you not to be able to fill out your income tax records, then you file an extention, and the time period runs out, cause they have your records, poring over them so that they can find something that they can charge you with, and then in the end, the only thing they charge you for is Income Tax Evasion, when they had all the records all along. Is that fair, no, Why have we the people allowed the IRS to beable to have soo much control and no accountability to the people. If you say something, you end on their watch list, and watch out, it's audit time!

What is wrong with say like getting back to States Rights, then Federal.. our framers of the America believed in each state governing their own area... Ok, now here it goes for those bashing what happened with Katrina and New Orleans...

I lived in the south during that whole deal, but you know, why is it the American people yelling that it was a Federal incident, when really it was a State and City incident? New Orlean's has a Mayor, who can call a Govenor, and get some state work moving quickly, each state has there own reserves, and she could have called upon them. But, when our Federal Government wasn't stepping in.... IT'S BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT CALLED IN BY THE LOUISIANA GOVERNMENT TO HELP THEM... not because our Federal Government wasn't just waiting for the call, it's called seperation of Federal Government allowing States to run themselves. DO YOU REALLY WANT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RUNNING YOUR STATE?

Ok, taxes, each state has them, each state requires that we pay them, why not do a way with the whole IRS, and make them accountable to each state, and let the State collect it the funds, while it's collecting our taxes at the same time, and thus, cutting alot of Federal money needed to feed the beast. That way, states are hiring from within it's state, with those who live in that state, and the cost that is sent to the Federal government is lowered by cutting the whole IRS Department by 3/4's cause, now the state is doing the work and the economic cycle of the money being recirculated back into the area where you live, work and breath, can be made better... An Idea... maybe.
